Tragamonedas Online Argentina

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Michael Burry Compra Calls de LAS VEGAS SANDS y WINN RESORTS: Mi opinión sobre $LVS Y $BOLT --- PRIMER DD PERSONAL SERIO: Análisis extenso sobre la situación del sector CASINOS y CASINOS ONLINE

Voy a hacer este DD dividiendolo en 4 fases:
1) ¿Quien es Michael Burry? El doctor e inversionista Michael Burry es conocido por ser uno de los pocos que predijo la crisis del 2008, y se benefició de ella de manera bestial, yendo en contra de las hipotecas subprime (algo asi como una inversión en corto). Tal fue el logro que Christian Bale lo interpretó en la aclamada película The Big Short (La gran apuesta). Se describe así mismo como una persona con un leve trastorno de autismo. Yo personalmente, lo vi siempre como el típico yankee obsesionado con la perfección en cada una de sus inversiones. Esto lo podemos ver en su selección de acciones con grandes valores fundamentales (aunque no le crean el tipo también la pego al bet de WSB "Gamestop"), el gran acierto de derivados financieros como sus calls y puts, y su elevada confianza en tener poca diversificación en cartera
2) ¿Por que me gusta el sector del gambling? En primer lugar, debo admitirles que siempre fui un fanático de ver el nivel de locura que manejaban algunas personas al ir al casino. Y no hablo solamente del juego en si, sino del elevado nivel de gastos de estas personas en lujosas habitaciones, costosos tragos o incluso comidas. Otra de las cosas que me llamo mucho la atención, es la preparación del ambiente, a través de su música, sus olores, o incluso la vestimenta de los empleados del lugar. Debemos recordar que personalidades con gran olfato para los negocios estuvieron en este sector, como lo son Sheldon Adelson o incluso el ex presidente Donald J. Trump. Ademas hagamos mención , de que últimamente una gran cantidad de compañas del sector están incursionando en el gambling online, el cual ha demostrado ser extremadamente rentable. Sino veamos el caso de BET365 y las apuestas deportivas.
3) ¿Por que estas 2 compañas? Primero y principal: Porque todas las personas del grupo tienen la posibilidad de invertir a través de la bolsa local mediante al acción de $BOLT y el cedear de $LVS. Yo personalmente vengo viendo a estas dos compañas con gran hambre, y comencé a invertir en ambas en la caída de marzo, iniciando posiciones muy pequeñas que fueron creciendo a lo largo del tiempo.
4) Analisis de ambas compañas:
Las Vegas Sands: Esta es una de las compañas mas monopólicas del sector, principalmente en los mercados de Macao (recordemos que en China los casinos están prohibidos, por lo que las personas suelen ir a barcos en el área marítima de Hong Kong o directamente a Macao) y en Singapur. Tambien debemos recordar que sus casinos mas emblemáticos, los posee en Las Vegas como su nombre lo indica, pero que los últimos años, pasaron a ser una menos del 30% de los ingresos que produce la compaña. Personalmente Adelson nunca tuvo la iniciativa de comenzar a incursionar en el sector del gambling online, pero ahora que falleció hace poco, es probable que la nueva dirección tenga iniciativa viendo la gran competencia en el sector. Particularmente, si realizamos un análisis minucioso de sus finanzas podemos ver que la acción esta en un precio con gran descuento, si tenemos en cuenta que el EVITDA que genera a día de hoy la compaña es demasiado bajo por la situación del COVID-19. Para que se den una idea, cotiza a precios de 2005 en las ultimas ruedas. Debemos recordar que esta compaña, cuenta con una gran cartera de clientes VIP, que no reparan gastos para poder ver a personalidades del espectáculo, comer las mejores comidas, escuchar a sus DJs de moda favoritos, o jugar grandes sumas de dinero en sus casinos. Y por supuesto, el mercado asiático esta creciendo a tasas agigantadas. Lo negativo es que la compaña tiene unos ratios de endeudamiento bastante altos. Ademas corren varios rumores de que la compaña piensa enfocarse totalmente en el mercado asiático, y vender sus casinos en Las Vegas, cosa que para algunos puede ser negativa, pero para mi es una excelente decisión, ya que los ingresos que produce en ese lugar son mucho menores.
Boldt: Esta compaña la decidí incluir personalmente sobre todo porque es una de las empresas mas infravaloradas del MERVAL. Si vemos sus últimos estados contables, podemos ver unas perdidas billonarias, pero aun así, la compaña cuenta con una solvencia a corto plazo envidiable para afrontar sus deudas menores a 12 meses, superando por amplio margen sus activos corrientes a sus pasivos corrientes. Otra de las razones por las que pienso que sus fundamentales la acompañaran a largo plazo, es que hace muy poco tiempo, la compaña comenzó sus casinos online. Debemos de tener en cuenta que la situación económica en la Argentina es muy inestable, y que la economía no acompaña el crecimiento de este tipo de empresas. Ni hablar de la burocracia. Pero esto también lo podemos ver de manera positiva, ya que este sector goza de una posición oligopólica regulada que podría llegar a beneficiarle.
Esto es todo, es mi primer análisis en profundidad para esta comunidad. Gracias a todos los que llegaron hasta acá. La verdad que no quería entrar en tantos tecnicismos, y prefería analizar a las compañas de una manera fundamental "mas entendible" para todos los miembros del grupo. Si desean aportar o comentar sus opiniones siéntanse libres de hacerlo. Muchas gracias a todos! Vamos por mucho mas 🚀 🚀 🚀
submitted by Warren_Buffet_Junior to ArgentinaMervalBets [link] [comments]

[Resumen Semanal XII] Los bonos de Guzmán y el impuesto al viento | USD a 172

Hola, y bienvenidos al Resumen Semanal de noticias Número 12, correspondiente a la segunda semana de noviembre de 2020.
Antes de comenzar queremos agradecer a Osvaldo por esos cafecitos.
TL;DR: video en youtube.
Cerramos el resumen con los números de la pandemia:
Si les ha gustado este resumen les agradecemos por sus comentarios y compartidas. Como ya lo hemos dicho no hacemos esto con fines de lucro, pero si alguno quiere hacernos una donación por cafecitos será más que bienvenida. Muchas gracias por todo.
submitted by guillepaez to RepArgentina [link] [comments]

Resumen de r/Uruguay - 2020-09-03

Ortodoncia con Easyalign? 19 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Fibra Antel .... re quemado 11 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Esto fue hoy en ruta 5 30 comentarios (1 nuevo)
@JuanchiHounie: Una partida (única) de 1500 pesos a aquellos afiliados al sindicato que participen del paro. 41 comentarios (1 nuevo)
¿Cómo vemos a los inmigrantes? [El País] 38 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Viajar con mascotas en taxi 17 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Se puede casarse y tener familia en Uruguay? 36 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Juegos de mesa. 24 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Varones del Rock se descontinua debido a amenazas y estrés 37 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Explorando Punta del Este y maldonado en Flight Simulator 2020 27 comentarios (1 nuevo)
¿Cuantos derechos se han perdido desde que asumió Lacalle? 27 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Va otra del Nucleo Galactico tomada con Celular, Piriapolis 9 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Qué opinan de los escraches machistas que se dieron en los últimos días en un montón de áreas? 16 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Dalas hablando de nuestro amo y señor 8 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Paises considerados desarrollados (HDI mayor a .845) 38 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Qué porcentaje de la población creen que estaría contagiada de COVID si no se hubiera hecho nada por cortar la propagación del virus? 13 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Frienzoneado 50 comentarios (2 nuevos)
Como hago para importar un telescopio sin que me cobren un huevo y un riñón de envío? 37 comentarios (7 nuevos)
Están disponibles las casi 300 páginas del proyecto de ley de presupuesto. 27 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Buen día 22 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Innecesario. 1 comentario (1 nuevo)
Postres uruguayos que me recomienden 32 comentarios (3 nuevos)
Chaaann. Precisamos más coroneles y generales? Son los sueldos más altos del ejército.! Por otro lado $600 de aumento para los sueldos más sumergidos? 76 comentarios (11 nuevos)
Amigos, ¿cuál de estos escritores de su bello país les parece mejor? 36 comentarios (7 nuevos)
Otra opcion para los que no tenemos cable en Uruguay 9 comentarios (2 nuevos)
Uruguay y su música 32 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Setiembre: lo que más odiamos/tememos a la hora de salir a la calle 22 comentarios (3 nuevos)
Repuestos baratos de celulares ¿Donde comprar? 14 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Estarias de acuerdo en eliminar el decreto que establece los limites para compras en el exterior? 73 comentarios (11 nuevos)
peluquerías baratas en Montevideo? 8 comentarios (2 nuevos)
Quien más necesita está remera y que termine diciendo ROSES o FAISAN ? 18 comentarios (3 nuevos)
Dudas sobre emigrar de Argentina a Uruguay 4 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Poll de invierno/verano 6 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Un diario británico dice que la extensa cuarentena argentina "es un desastre" 10 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Familiares mostró documento que comprobarí­a responsabilidad del comandante del Ejército 22 comentarios (5 nuevos)
Crecimiento de Montevideo 3 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Un día fui a Pronto... 4 comentarios (4 nuevos)
Se nota el aumento de la indigencia? 17 comentarios (8 nuevos)
Tamo' al horno ! 4 comentarios (1 nuevo)
Somos los que más tomamos en Las Américas 37 comentarios (3 nuevos)
Presupuesto duplica el sueldo a presidentes de empresas públicas; Arbeleche dijo que se necesita “a las mejores personas” y los ahorros serán en “muchos otros lugares” 27 comentarios (20 nuevos)
Que carrera o especialidad no se debería de estudiar? 49 comentarios (30 nuevos)
a jugar charruas ! (juego online de IT ) 1 comentario (1 nuevo)
Argentinos eligen Uruguay para vivir. Informe Living in America, del canal argentino América TV 17 comentarios (6 nuevos)
Que notebook me recomiendan? 4 comentarios (4 nuevos)
Formación de la colación multicolor, circa Octubre 2019 8 comentarios (5 nuevos)
Alguno sabe cuanto esta ganando un diseñador jr. en una agencia de publicidad? 7 comentarios (6 nuevos)
la explanada de la imm en proceso 28 comentarios (22 nuevos)
Conseguir discos originales 8 comentarios (5 nuevos)
Bueno gente cuando salimos a imponer la baja impositiva a las importaciones. 34 comentarios (33 nuevos)
Miércoles subjetivo. 7 comentarios (7 nuevos)
Presupuesto: si se enferman, los funcionarios públicos tendrán ahora un descuento salarial 65 comentarios (65 nuevos)
MSP aprobó nuevos tests rápidos de covid creados en Uruguay. Actúan en 45 minutos 1 comentario (1 nuevo)
Excoordinador de Inteligencia acusa a Bayardi de tomar decisiones contra la difusión de los archivos de la dictadura 2 comentarios (2 nuevos)
Buenos días. Que les parece esto.? Para mí una tomada de pelo a la gente, muchísimo más en la situación actual y sabiendo que los directorios son cargos políticos. Estamos hablando que pasan a sueldos que pasarían los 250.000 entre compensaciones y demás"extras" que reciben. 97 comentarios (97 nuevos)
Será? 11 comentarios (11 nuevos)
Yo esperaba que esto pasara dentro de 10 días pero bueno, surprise 8 comentarios (8 nuevos)
¿Como creen que seria Uruguay con una región administrativa especial? 7 comentarios (7 nuevos)
Garrafas y escaleras 31 comentarios (31 nuevos)
Participarias de una manifestacion para bajar los aranceles/cargas impositivas de compras internacionales? 20 comentarios (20 nuevos)
Dale que se enfria 15 comentarios (15 nuevos)
Que post del subreddit no pueden olvidar? 11 comentarios (11 nuevos)
Consulta: la facultad extravió un parcial realizado hace 3 semanas. Culpa de ellos. Avisaron que obligatoriamente se tiene que hacer de nuevo. Es así? No se puede reclamar? Cuáles son los derechos del estudiante? 11 comentarios (11 nuevos)
¿Alguien sabe si esta chequeado esto o es falso u viejo? 17 comentarios (17 nuevos)
Cursed milanesa al pan 33 comentarios (33 nuevos)
Tenemos un enfrentamiento con un compañero y me pego esto en el monitor!!! Qué significa????!!! 43 comentarios (43 nuevos)
"Hay una campaña de ataques sistemáticos" que usa "aparato del Estado para intervenir", dijo Cosse 3 comentarios (3 nuevos)
Me quisieron cagar 13 comentarios (13 nuevos)
Bayardi: actas de Gilberto Vázquez fueron anexadas por militar para favorecer a Manini 8 comentarios (8 nuevos)
Jorge Messi ve difícil permanecer en Barcelona 2 comentarios (2 nuevos)
Anagramas Barrios Montevideo 11 comentarios (11 nuevos)
WOW 10 comentarios (10 nuevos)
Desfile militar en Uruguay 1940. 2 comentarios (2 nuevos)
Banear a kipm127 10 comentarios (10 nuevos)
Presupuesto aumenta casi al doble el sueldo de los presidentes de empresas públicas 42 comentarios (42 nuevos)
"Uruguay, la nueva tierra prometida", el informe de America sobre el "exodo" argentino 0 comentarios
Chicos pregunta rapida, leche en caja o en bolsa? 18 comentarios (18 nuevos)
Explorando Piriápolis en el Flight simulator 2020 8 comentarios (8 nuevos)
Para ustedes esto califica como abuso? Ya cuando leo un "me hizo sentir" rechina tanto... 32 comentarios (32 nuevos)
Funcionarios públicos en contra de artículo del Presupuesto que modifica licencia médica 2 comentarios (2 nuevos)
[meta] sobre la regla dos, los repost y los screenshots 7 comentarios (7 nuevos)
ANEP se comprometió a llegar al 75% de egreso en bachillerato para 2024 13 comentarios (13 nuevos)
¿Es real el problema para el comerciante al pagar montos chicos con tarjeta? 17 comentarios (17 nuevos)
Ya está, Cutcsa deja para siempre de usar esos A.C de los eléctricos 1 comentario (1 nuevo)
Facultad 3 comentarios (3 nuevos)
Supermatch o casino 0 comentarios
Enviale una carta a tu Yo Futuro 10 comentarios (10 nuevos)
Cirugia de ojos... costo? experiencias? 16 comentarios (16 nuevos)
Persona con demencia senil en la familia... como han tratado el tema? 4 comentarios (4 nuevos)
Noche de miércoles 27 comentarios (27 nuevos)
Out of context (de la falta de autocrítica del FA) Danilo Astori 3 comentarios (3 nuevos)
Que problema tienen con mis alpargatas? 2 comentarios (2 nuevos)
ANTEL gastó 194.456.258 millones de dólares en publicidad y propaganda en el periodo 2005 - 2019 19 comentarios (19 nuevos)
Porque tantos dejan el liceo? 37 comentarios (37 nuevos)
"Tutores" de tesis 2 comentarios (2 nuevos)
Luis lacalle dou 0 comentarios
Alicia Burgueño, viuda del general Miguel Dalmao: “Meterlo preso era un objetivo político” 0 comentarios
Mi humilde opinion, discutamos civilizadamente. 3 comentarios (3 nuevos)
2020-09-02 07:00 - 2020-09-03 07:00
submitted by Samus_ to ResumenDeUruguay [link] [comments]

Slotland Casino - no deposit bonus, free spins, promo codes

Slotland Casino - no deposit bonus, free spins, promo codes

Slotland Casino Review & Free Chip Bonuses
Get $38 FREE BONUS (no deposit required) when you register your account with Slotland Casino! This casino is available for players from the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Europe. Enjoy Provably Fair Gaming with cryptocurrencies!
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About Slotland Casino [REVIEW]

Slotland is a highly experienced and enjoyable online casino that specializes in slots and video poker games. They have been in business since 1998 which is extremely impressive and it is clear that they are offering a superior product at this point in time. This popular online casino is owned by Slotland Entertainment S.A. which is a well-known gaming company that also owns their sister site WinADay.
Not only does Slotland make their own games, but you will never find these unique titles on any other gambling site. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key ingredients that Slotland is made of and try to figure out why it is that they have been successful for so many years.

Reputation of Slotland

Players Not Accepted: BY, CN, CZ, FR, ID, IN, KZ, LT, LV, MY, PT, RU, SK, TR, TW, UA and VN
Even though they have been in operation since 1998, it appears as if Slotland has made its way onto a couple of blacklists across the internet. When we investigated the casino further, we found that this was simply because their progressive jackpot video poker games play like slot games, and their old roulette games were apparently broken in a way that was unfair to players.
With that being said, there are a ton of gamblers who still enjoy their experience with Slotland and they don’t even offer any roulette games anymore. They are licensed and registered by the Government of Anjouan, which we have to admit we have never heard of before today. This might be because the only online casinos that they have licensed are Slotland and their sister casino WinADay.
After more research we found that this small island off of the southeastern corner of Africa has apparently licensed more than 300 offshore banks as well, so we feel that they are a relatively trustworthy entity. In addition to this, they also are responsible for issuing brokerage licenses, finance licenses, and insurance licenses. The only red flag that we can find is that there is zero information available on the internet about complaint and dispute resolutions from their operations.
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Software and Client at Slotland

There is no downloadable software to worry about on Slotland since every game is accessible via web browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Once you make an account and make your way to the game library on Slotland you simply need to click on the yellow “Instant Play” button that is underneath each game to give them a whirl. Unfortunately, there is no option to practice these games for free like most other casinos offer.
Before you begin to play these games you will be prompted to decide whether you wish to allow Adobe Flash Player to open the game. If you do not wish to use Adobe Flash Player, some games will allow you to play the HTML version of the game. Playing on the HTML version will not change the games in any way except that the graphics will be much less impressive. We are shocked at how colorful and clear all of the games are when played in Adobe Flash player since it might be some of the best graphics we have ever come across.
It seems as if the best way that Slotland could improve their software is to add in some more games since there are currently only 61 games in total. This is far below the industry standard, but they more than make up for this deficiency with eye-popping graphics and the fact that you can only find these games on Slotland.

Slot Games at Slotland

Slot Providers: Slotland Entertainment (Proprietary) Slot Betting Limits: $0.01 to $8.50
There are a total of 50 slot games available on, which is far less than we expected from a casino that has “Slot” in their name. However, the quality of these games and their graphics is extremely high so we will give them a pass for valuing quality over quantity.
The number of reels that you will find in these slot games ranges from 3-reels to 9-reels. The number of paylines that you will find ranges from 8 paylines to 40 paylines.
Many of these slot games share a progressive jackpot which is also shared with the video poker progressive games. Even the games that are not participating in the progressive jackpot appear to come with a ton of bonus features which keeps the games fun and your potential earnings high. A great example of this would be the Zodiac game which does not have a progressive jackpot but still comes with FOUR bonus features.
We are extremely impressed by the innovative nature of some of these games since some of them do not appear to be your usual average slot game. For example, Slotris incorporates the game of Tetris into their slot and your spins determine the shape of the piece that drops next. Another example is the Slot 21 game which incorporates a blackjack mini-game into the slot game.
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Table Games at Slotland

It is clear that Slotland does not feel that table games are an important part of an online casino since they left them out entirely. Whether they are correct about that or not is undetermined, but they do offer one slot game which has a blackjack mini-game built into it.

Baccarat at Slotland

Sorry, Baccarat fans. You will not find any sort of Baccarat games on Slotland Casino.

Blackjack at Slotland

Types of Blackjack Offered: Slot 21 You will not find any traditional blackjack games at Slotland Casino since they do not appear to be very fond of table games in general. However, one of the slot games named Slot 21 comes with a bonus blackjack game for those who are really itching to test their luck at this popular two-card table game.

Roulette at Slotland

If you are looking for roulette games, you will have to take a spin at another casino since Slotland does not currently offer any.

Video Poker Games at Slotland

Video Poker Games Offered: Jacks or Better, Double Bonus Poker, Aces & Eights, Deuces & Joker Wild, All American, Tens or Better, Joker Wild, Jacks or Better Progressive, Wild Heart, Striking 7’s Video Poker Betting Limits: $0.10 to $25 per hand
Video poker games are clearly the second most popular game that you can find on Slotland and nothing else really comes close. While you will find classic video poker games such as Jacks or Better and Double Bonus Poker, you will also find unique games that are tough to find on other casinos such as Wild Heart or Striking 7’s.
One of the most exciting parts of this collection of video poker games is that some of them come with a progressive jackpot attached to them. For example, Striking 7’s and Jacks or Better Progressive currently share a progressive jackpot of over a quarter of a million dollars which can only be won by hitting a natural royal flush while simultaneously betting the maximum amount of $10 per hand.
However, you should be warned that the odds of winning the jackpot are not the same as the odds of hitting a natural royal flush. Considering the fact that you need a natural royal flush to win the jackpot, this means that the game designers altered the odds to make these video poker jackpot games more like slot games, which is why some review sites have chosen to blacklist Slotland.

Specialty Games at Slotland

Keno 101 is the only game you will find on Slotland which is neither a slot game nor a video poker game. This popular lottery-style game simply requires you to pick what numbers you think will be the winners and also comes with a Quick Pick option which will select random numbers for you. You can bet anywhere from $0.50 to $10 per round.

Live Dealer Games at Slotland

Sorry folks, you won’t find any Live Dealer games in the game library of Slotland. If you can’t live without having a human dealer while you play, you can check out our list of highly recommended brick-and-mortar casinos here.
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Mobile Games at Slotland

There is no mobile app available on Slotland, but you can access the casino through your mobile web browser. All you need to do is download Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to your phone, visit and then log into your account to begin playing.
The devices that you can use to access their website include iPhones, iPads, Android phones, and Wii consoles. We have never seen a Wii console as an option for an online casino so we give them props for being so innovative in this area.
As is the standard for mobile versions of online casinos, you will not be able to access every game that you normally would from a computer. In fact, the only type of games that you can play on your mobile device will be slot games. However, you will still be able to redeem any bonuses from your mobile device without any issues.

Welcome Bonus at Slotland

The welcome bonus promotion at Slotland gives new players a chance to claim up to $1,075 in bonus funds over the course of their first TEN deposits. This might seem like a lot of deposits, but the level of investment that is required is relatively low compared to other casinos.
On your first deposit, you will be greeted with a 100% match bonus up to $100, since $100 is the maximum deposit for your first three deposits. On the second and third deposits, you will be granted a 50% match bonus for up to $50 in bonus funds each time. For the seven deposits that follow those, you will be rewarded with a 50% match bonus on a maximum deposit of $250 each time. When all is said and done, you will need to deposit a total of $2,050 to receive a total of $1,075 in bonus funds.
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Other Promotions at Slotland

Once you have already taken advantage of the Welcome Bonus, you might be wondering what else Slotland has in store for you. The rest of their promotions program involves a tiered VIP, a ton of deposit bonuses, a weekly raffle drawing, and a unique newsletter which provides bonuses to its readers.
This is a fairly well-rounded list of bonus promotions, and if you combine that with the low playthrough requirements on every single bonus it is clear that this program is superior to that of most online casinos. We are extremely impressed with the effort that they have put into giving back to their regular players and highly recommend getting involved with as many of these promotions as possible.

VIP Program

The VIP Program on Slotland provides frequent gamblers with a way to win extra match bonuses, a subscription to the VIP newsletter, higher chances in the weekly draws, and special VIP customer service. The three VIP levels that currently exist are Bronze Level, Silver Level, and Gold Level.
Unlike other casino VIP programs, you will not belong to any VIP level when you first sign-up on Slotland. Once you have deposited at least $3,000 they will consider adding you to the Bronze Level, although this is not guaranteed to get you in since they use other unspecified criteria to decide who qualifies. The final level, otherwise known as the Gold Level, will provide you with 15% cash back, a $200 welcome bonus, a 200% match bonus in addition to all the other perks that Bronze Level players receive.
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Newsletter Bonuses

Slotland is smart to realize that most people do not read newsletters that come from online casinos, so they decided to add some incentives to get people to do so. By checking out the monthly newsletter that is posted right on their website, you will be able to find out what the game of the month is and exactly what perks come from playing this game.
Usually, the prizes for this promotion include a match bonus that you can claim twice per day using the code “GOTM” as well as a random cash drawing. For every 100 rounds you play on the game of the month, you will receive a ticket into the random cash drawing where $600 is up for grabs among the four players whose tickets are chosen. Every month these prizes will change and so will the game that you must play to clear the playthrough requirements, so be sure to keep an eye out for any new newsletters that pop up on their site.

Monthly Mystery Bonus

The monthly mystery bonus is another promotion that utilizes the monthly newsletter since the only way to earn this bonus is to play in the mini-slot game that can be found there. The only catch is that you must redeem this bonus during the first seven days of the month in question.
The results of your spins on the mini-slot game will decide which reload bonus will be waiting for you during the following month. The reload bonus that you are given will range anywhere from 30% to 100% for players with a low VIP status while the more experienced VIP players will be rewarded with a bonus that is anywhere from 45% to 150% of their deposit.
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Weekday Bonuses

No matter what weekday it is, there is guaranteed to be a deposit bonus that you can claim as long as you currently do not have any other active bonuses. Each bonus comes with its own wagering requirements and is only valid for specific types of games.
On Mondays, you will receive a 50% match bonus using the bonus code “50MOBILE” and you are only allowed to play slot games on your mobile phone. On Tuesdays, you will receive a 60% match bonus using the bonus code “KENO60” and you must clear this bonus using the game Keno 101. On Wednesdays, the match bonus is set at 75% and you have to clear the bonus using oldies slot games such as Booster, Golden 8, Lucky Ducts, and Lucky Stars. For Thursdays, the match bonus will be 40% if you use the bonus code “VPOKER” which can only be cleared using video poker games. Lastly, Fridays will reward you will a 50% match bonus that can be cleared using any slot game of Keno game.

Weekly Free Draw

For every dollar you deposit during any given week, you will be rewarded with one raffle ticket into the weekly free draw. Each Wednesday, a total of 20 players will be chosen to receive prizes and you will have to check your email to see if you won. The first place prize is an impressive $500 while 2nd through 10th place will receive $100 and 11th through 20th place will receive $10. If you are a winner, you will be required to wager your prize 1x before you can withdraw any of the money.
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Bonus Terms and Conditions at Slotland

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Speaking of email, there are numerous email addresses that you can use to contact them and you will normally receive a response in under an hour which is relatively fast for this method. The email address that you choose to contact will be decided by the issue that you need to speak to them about. For general inquiries, you can contact them at [email protected]. For billing inquiries, you can contact them at [email protected]. Finally, any VIP players will be permitted to contact them at [email protected] which has a quicker response time guaranteed.

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Once you are ready to withdraw the funds that are in your Slotland account there is a total of seven methods that you can choose from. Each of the methods that are available to players from the U.S. comes with a minimum withdrawal limit of $100, which is a little high considering the fact that the minimum deposit is $25. Players from other countries will be able to withdraw a minimum of $25 by using Neteller or Skrill.
When you choose Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Bitcoin Cash as your withdrawal option, your transaction will be processed the very next business day. This is much faster than the check or wire transfer withdrawal methods which will take 5-10 days to process and receive. Therefore, we recommend using one of Slotland’s supported cryptocurrencies so that you can take advantage of the high level of efficiency that these three coins offer. On the other hand, players from other countries will be able to take advantage of the 24 to 48-hour processing times of Skrill and Neteller.
In the event that you have a lucky day and win more than $5,000, you will need to make special arrangements to withdraw your money in increments. The best way to do this is to email them at [email protected] and they will work with you to figure out a payment plan.
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A not-so-brief rundown of letters J-L of Jeffrey Epstein's 'Little Black Book'

Below is a rundown of letters J-L of Epstein's contacts. Last year, I wrote about letters A-C. You can check that out here (
I also wrote about letters D-F on July 5, 2020. You can check that out here (
I posted letters G-I on July 13, 2020. You can check that out here ( There are some misspelled names. Epstein entered their names like this.
I have bolded some of the more interesting connections and information, but there could be much more that I overlooked. I hope something here strikes an interest in someone and maybe we can get more investigations out of this. Please, if you know anything more about any of these people than what is presented here, post below. I am working off of the unredacted black book found here:
Jackson, Michael (Samuel Gen): Yes, this is a reference to MJ the singer. However, the numbers listed are not MJ’s. They belong to Samuel Gen, a lawyer for a financial advisor (Jerry Seinfeld’s brother-in-law) who worked for MJ for a while. This one was a reach for Epstein.
Jacobson, Julian: Likely a reference to a Managing Director at several London-based investment firms.
Jagger, Mick: World-famous lead singer of the Rolling Stones. Has been seen in photographs with Ghislaine Maxwell. Actress Rae Dawn Chong claims she slept with Jagger when she was 15 years old.
Jagger, Hatti: Former fashion director for Vogue, Harper’s, and Tatler. Also works as a celebrity stylist and at fashion shows.
jake: Not enough info.
Jameel, Mohammed: Saudi Arabian businessman. CEO of Abdul Latif Jameel, a collective of family-owned businesses that specialize in transportation, investing, and real estate. Royal pervert Prince Andrew infamously partied on Jameel’s yacht during the 2011 London riots (source:
James, Susie: Founder and owner of 123 Send Ltd, a company that provides payment terminals.
Janklow, Linda: Literary agent and wife of Mort Janklow, the primary owner of Janklow & Nesbit Associates, the largest literary agency in the world. Attended a party hosted by Sony Pictures with Epstein, although they are not pictured together (source: In 2007, Ghislaine Maxwell threw an exclusive party (80 carefully selected guests) at her NYC townhouse to celebrate the opening of a new shop by designer Allegra Hicks (granddaughter-in-law of Earl Mountbatten, who you can read more about in my G-I Epstein thread under India Hicks’s name). One of the eighty guests was Julie Landlow, daughter of Linda and Mort.
Jarecki, Nancy & Andrew: Andrew is a filmmaker, co-founder of Moviefone, and was a producer on Catfish, the documentary that launched the popular MTV show. Andrew’s family was reportedly friends with Jeffrey Epstein. There is an EXCELLENT thread on the connections between the Jarecki family (especially Andrew and Nick’s father, Henry) and Epstein here (source: Quick summary: Henry was born in Nazi Germany; flew on the Lolita Express; is an expert in psychotropic drugs; owns two islands in the British Virgin Islands; founded the first youth center in the British Virgin Islands; lived 2 miles from Epstein in NYC; owns and donates to many sketchy foundations, schools, and organizations; has donated at least $1 million to leftist organizations). Andrew’s wife Nancy created bettybeauty, a company that specializes in hair dye for your nether regions (not kidding).
Jarecki, Nick: The movie director brother of Andrew and son of Henry Jarecki (see link under Andrew & Nancy Jarecki for more info). Reportedly dated Courtney Love (also in Epstein’s ‘Black Book’) in 2015. Photographed with Ghislaine Maxwell at a Gucci party (source:
Jason (canada): Not enough info. Could be artist Jason Wasserman based out of Canada. The second number listed traces back to Station 16 Gallery in Montreal.
Javier: Javier Banon is former Co-head of Merchant Banking at Lehman Brothers and current Founding Partner of Trilantic Europe.
Jeffries, Tim: Ownedirector of Hamiltons Gallery in London. Best known for dating models Elle Macpherson, Claudia Schiffer, Kylie Minogue and Sophie Dahl (also in Epstein’s ‘Black Book’). Jefferies has attended fundraisers for ARK Academy and the NSPCC. He truly cares about children.
Johnson, Richard & Nadine: Nadine is a millionaire public relations guru. Nadine is a good friend of Ghislaine Maxwell’s. Some clients of Nadine Johnson include spirit cooking extraordinaire Marina Abramovic and hotelier Andre Balazs, good friend of Ghislaine. Richard is one of the most well-known gossip columnists and was the editor of Page Six for twenty-five years. There is a great thread detailing the Johnsons’ ties to the Clintons, Balazs, and others here (source: Basically, Richard Johnson is friendly with the Clintons and, as Page Six Editor, purposely did not report or downplayed stories on the Clintons and Nadine’s clients. He also took bribes. Considering Nadine is a good friend of Ghislaine, it would not be a stretch to assume that Richard could have buried stories on Maxwell and Epstein. I could spend 10 pages on the shady connections these two have.
Johnson, Lucy: Not enough info.
Jones, Ann & Mick: Mick is the guitarist of Foreigner, an immensely popular rock band in the ‘70s and ‘80s. His wife, Ann, is a jewelry designer, and friend of Ghislaine. Ann Jones was photographed at a party with Ghislaine and Donald Trump in 1997 (source:
Josephson, Barry & Jackie: Barry is a producer and the former President of Production for Columbia Pictures. Jackie is his ex-wife and also a producer.
Karella, Kalliope: Wife of Prince Pierre d’Arenberg. Kalliope is a good friend of Ghislaine Maxwell.
Kastner, Ron: No info found.
Katz, Anton & Robin Plant: Anton is CEO and co-founder of Talos Trading, which specializes in cryptocurrency. Anton and Robin are friends of and have been photographed with Ghislaine (source:
Katzeneilenbogen, Mark: Long-time investment banker who used to be based out of South Africa.
Keeling, Sarah: There is a Sarah Keeling in London who is a former British government official with 20 years of experience in national security and intelligence experience, however, the phone number listed has a 410 area code, which leads back to eastern Maryland. Inconclusive.
Kegan, Rory: A nightclub designer and creator. Co-founder of the exclusive, celebrity-filled London nightclub, Chinawhite. Prince Andrew (source: and Prince Albert of Monaco are regulars. Chelsea Clinton has been there, as well (source: Other patrons include: Prince Andrew, Kate Middleton, George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio, and more.
Keidan, Amanda: Owner of Keidan Jewelry.
Keidan, Jon: An entertainment executive-turned-venture capitalist. As an entertainment exec, Keidan worked with John Legend, Dave Matthews Band, and Nappy Roots. Keidan serves on the Council of Foreign Relations, a powerful group that some believe determines foreign policy. Former and current members include former presidents, current and former politicians, business magnates, and celebrities (
Keller, Georgie: Interior designer.
Kellette Frayse, Caroline: Fashion editor at Vogue and Tatler (both magazines constantly come up in Epstein’s contacts). Former girlfriend of Imran Khan, whose name has come up frequently. Passed away in 2014. Her husband, Jean-Marc Fraysse, is a French investment banker.
Kelmenson, Leo-Arthur & Gayl: Leo was an advertising and marketing guru who has been credited with saving Chrysler. Friend and advisor to Lee Iacocca, former President of Chrysler. He worked as Special Project Officer for the U.S. Department of State under President John F. Kennedy and AG Robert F. Kennedy. He had tons of connections. His former maid accused him of sexual harassment in 2010 (source: Kelmenson died less than two months after the story came out.
Kennedy Cuomo, Andrew & Kerry: Andrew is the current governor of New York. It’s no secret that Cuomo is willing to look the other way on sexual deviancy as long as he receives a payoff. Cuomo halted a probe into the handling of Harvey Weinstein’s case in New York after receiving $25,000 from Weinstein’s law firm (source: Andrew’s brother, CNN Host Chris Cuomo famously told viewers “not to get caught up in the intrigue of who Epstein’s friends are” (source: Perhaps, he was covering for his brother. Kerry Kennedy is Cuomo’s ex-wife of fifteen years, the daughter of RFK, and a close friend of Ghislaine Maxwell. Supposedly, Kennedy provided Ghislaine with informal illegal advice (source:
Kennedy Jr. Ted: Son of Ted Kennedy and nephew of JFK and RFK. Ted Jr. dabbled in politics and currently works as a lawyer. His father, Ted, was a notorious sexual abuser (allegedly).
Kennedy, Bobby & Mary: Bobby is the son of RFK and nephew of JFK. Bobby is a known drug abuser and philanderer. Bobby kept a sex journal detailing his conquests while he was married (source: His ex-wife, Mary, committed “suicide” two years after their divorce. Before committing suicide, Mary told a friend that she “feared for her life” and Bobby told her that she “would be better off dead” (source:
Kennedy, Ethel: Widow of RFK Sr. and mother of eleven, including Bobby Kennedy, Kerry Kennedy, and Joseph Kennedy II.
Kennedy, Jo: Joseph Kennedy II is the son of RFK Sr. and Ethel. Served in the House of Representatives from 1987-1999. In 1973, Joseph was convicted of negligent driving after paralyzing a young woman. He was fined $100.
Kennedy, Senator Edward: Brother of JFK and RFK, Ted Kennedy served as U.S. Senator of Massachusetts for 47 years. Besides politics, Ted is best known for the Chappaquiddick incident in which a young female speechwriter for RFK drowned to death when he lost control of his vehicle while driving across a bridge. He was charged with leaving the scene of an incident and given a two month suspended sentence. Ted was also notorious for his extramarital affairs. Senator Kennedy once hosted a party at his house attended by Bill Clinton and Lynn Forester de Rothschild. Rothschild wrote a letter to Clinton afterwards in which she mentions that they spoke about Epstein (source: It is unclear what was said or what Rothschild’s connection could possibly be.
Kersner, Sol: South African accountant and hotel and casino magnate who died of cancer in 2020. Kerzner was a close friend of Donald Trump. They even worked together to create The Palm, a man-made island off the coast of Dubai (source: Kerzner was also close friends with Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York (, Naomi Campbell (, and Bill Clinton ( Kerzner was very good friends with Nelson Mandela and built his casino resorts with Gerard Inzerillo, who you can read about in my G-I ‘Black Book’ thread.
Khayat, Antoine, Jana, & George: Jana is an heiress and businesswoman. Jana is the niece of Galen Weston, a close friend of Prince Charles. George is her brother and CEO of Associated British Foods. Jana’s husband, Antoine, is a former banker and currently runs their vineyard.
Kidd, Jemma: Kidd is a British makeup artist, fashion model, and aristocrat. Married to Arthur Wellesley, Earl of Mornington, the son of the Duke and Duchess of Wellington, making her a Countess. Kidd is an interesting figure with elite connections. From 2005-2012, Ghislaine Maxwell served as Director of Jemma Kidd Make-Up Limited, a U.K. makeup company, which was founded by Kidd. Not only did Ghislaine serve as Director, but she was also a shareholder, along with the Rothschild family (source: If you click around the PDFs on this website (, you can see everything. The 16 JUN 2006 PDF on page 3 shows you a list of Officers and shareholders of the company. Jemma Kidd has also attended charity events for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) ( Her sister, Jodie, is also a huge supportefundraiser of the NSPCC, as well as the Help a London Child and Monsoon Accessorize Trust charities, both of which help out disadvantaged children (source:
King, Abby: No info found.
Kirwin Taylor, Charlie & Helen: Charles is an investment banker. He was former CEO of Credit Suisse in Switzerland, an investment firm which shows up a few times through Epstein’s contacts. His wife, Helen, is a journalist.
Kirwin Taylor, Peter: British financier. Was a member of the Pilgrims Society (, a group that has included the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other elites amongst its ranks.
Kissinger, Dr. Henry A: Former U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor under Nixon. Kissinger has long been accused of committing war crimes (ex: carpet bombing Cambodia, installing fascist governments in Chile and Argentina, genocide, extending our stay in Vietnam, etc) yet somehow managed to win a Nobel Peace Prize in 1973. Kissinger once said, “Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy.” Kissinger served with Epstein on the Trilateral Commission. Kissinger has also been a member of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Aspen Institute, and Bohemian Grove. Long thought to be an advocate for a globalist New World Order, Kissinger is a scumbag of the highest order. His connections with Gates, the Clintons, Bush Sr. and Jr., the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds are well-documented. If anyone here has ever done any research regarding the NWO, you have undoubtedly seen Kissinger’s name several times.
Klee, Rupert & Charlotte de: Rupert is a Director with Oakridge Group, a property development and investment company. His wife, Charlotte, is the producer of the religious plays at Wintershall.
Klesch, Johnathan: Former Director of Klesch Trading, which specializes in industrial commodities. It has offices in Russia, Malta, Surrey, and in London, down the block from Buckingham Palace.
Koch, David: Co-founder of Koch Industries, a diversified manufacturing conglomerate. Koch Industries has stolen oil from Indian reservations, committed hundreds of polluting, labor, and workplace safety violations. When he ran on the Libertarian ticket as the vice presidential nominee in 1980, Koch aimed to abolish Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare benefits, and minimum wage. Koch and Epstein were friends. Epstein even attended a party at Koch’s Southampton home ( Koch has also been photographed with Ghislaine Maxwell ( Thankfully, Koch died last year.
Kohl, Astrid: A businesswoman involved in pharmaceuticals. Married to Prince Alexander of Liechtenstein. Daughter-in-law of Prince Philipp of Liechtenstein. Niece of former German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl.
Kotic, Boby: CEO of Activision Blizzard, a video game holding company. Used to run several electronic companies. From 2003-2008, he was a director at Yahoo! In 2012, he became a non-executive director of Coca-Cola.
Kotze, Alex Von: British businessman involved in the tech industry.
Kravetz, Anna: Not much info found. Has a degree in finance from Wharton School and used to live on Park Avenue in NYC.
Krooth, Caryn: A successful real estate agent based out of Los Angeles
Kudrow, Alistar: No info found.
Lal, Dalamal: Director of Akron Corp. & Akron (Nig.) Ltd., a food and beverage import company based out of Nigeria.
Lalaunis, Demetra: Daughter of Ilias Lalaounis, a pioneer in Greek jewelry and a world renowned goldsmith.
Lambert, Christopher: Well-known actor.
Lambert, David: Former partner, managing director, and VP at Goldman Sachs.
Lambert, Edward: Lampert is a billionaire hedge fund manager and former CEO of Sears. Lampert graduated from Yale University in 1984 where he was a member of Skull and Bones. Rumored pedophile David Geffen gave Lampert $200 million to invest in 1992, when Lampert was just 29 years old. Lampert made Geffen $1 billion.
Lambos Duff & John: Karen “Duff” Duffy is an actress, model, and TV personality. She has had memorable roles as the love interest in “Blank Check” and as JP Shay in “Dumb and Dumber.” Duffy has battled with sarcoidosis, a deadly central nervous system disease, since the mid-’90s. She credits Harvey Weinstein with saving her life ( John is a former banker with Morgan Stanley and current President of GCA-US, an investment banking company.
Lang, Caroline: An art expert and Chairman at Sotheby’s Switzerland.
Lange, Dieter: Former Partner at WilliamHare, an international law firm with offices in London, Berlin, the U.S., Beijing, and Brussels. Passed away in 2010.
Larsen Janet: The only one I can find is a Business Psychologist based out of London.
Laurie, Jonathan: Founder and CEO of Cheyne Capital Management, an alternate investment fund firm.
Lavlada, Laura D.B. de: Laura Diez Barroso is a Mexican businesswoman. She sold her stock in Televisa for $726 million in 1993. Since then, she has been the head of several other companies.
Lawford Christopher & Jean: Christopher was an actor and relative of the Kennedys. His uncles were JFK, RFK, and Ted Kennedy. Many of his relatives appear in Epstein’s ‘Black Book’. His first wife, Jeannie, was an ad-sales associate for New York Magazine.
Lawton Paul: Two British businessmen with the same name come up. Both have extensive resumes. Could be either one.
Lazar, Christopher & Marie: Christophe seems to be a realtor in Paris, but I am not completely sure.
Le Bon, Simon & Jasmine: Simon is the lead singer of Duran Duran. His wife, Yasmin, is/was a fashion model. Yasmin is represented by Models1 in London. Models1 also represents Epstein and Ghislaine’s friend, Naomi Campbell. Le Bon has been accused of sexual assault in the past (
Le Fur, Jean-Yves: French businessman and magazine creator. He was once Princess Stephanie of Monaco’s ex-fiance. More notably, Le Fur was the one who discovered supermodel Karen Mulder (his girlfriend at the time) on the floor after she attempted suciide. Mulder blew the lid off the rampant rape and sexual abuse that she and her modeling colleagues had suffered at the hands of businessmen, royalty, celebrities, and government officials. She was even the protege of Epstein collaborator (allegedly), Jean Luc Brunel (
Le Marg Willie: No info found.
Lea, Piers: CEO of Learning Technologies Group, a workplace digital learning company.
Leeds, Jeffrey: Co-founder and Managing Partner of Leeds Equity. One of Leeds Equity’s partner companies is Endeavor Schools, which runs private preschools, primary schools, and secondary schools in Florida and 11 other states ( They are also partners with Fusion Educational Group (now Fusion Academy), which runs a chain of private secondary schools ( Former teacher Kris White, now the head of Fusion Academy in Palo Alto, allegedly told a student that he was in love with her and wrote her a note saying he was “obsessed” with her. ( This story was just published on July 12, 2020. Hypothetically, if one wanted to procure underage children, it would certainly help if the head of the school was on board and possibly a pedophile himself. According to this former teacher at Fusion Academy, “many students struggle with learning differences, behavioral issues, and/or addictions” ( In other words, the downtrodden and vulnerable. Fusion Academy refers to itself as a non-traditional school that focuses on individual students. Seems like a great opportunity. Leeds was also good friends with Epstein ( and has close ties to Colin Powell and Rudy Giuliani (
Lefcourt, Jerry: Famous lawyer who defended Epstein in 2007. That same year, Epstein donated $250,000 to the Washington-based Foundation for Criminal Justice, where Lefcourt was a board member.
Lester, Dominick: Founder and owner of MortgageFlex Systems, a mortgage lending company.
Levine, Phillip: Ex-Miami Beach mayor and close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton. He claims that he doesn’t know how Epstein got his contact information… all 13 phone numbers, including those of his driver and housekeepers (!
Liman, Doug: Popular Hollywood director and producer. He directed Swingers, The Bourne Identity, and a couple of Tom Cruise movies.
Lindeman-Barnet, Sloan & Roger: Sloan has been a New York Times bestseller and an on-air and print reporter for NBC, ABC, and Reuters. Sloan and Roger also sit on the board of the Spence School in New York City, a private K-12 all-girls school ( Her husband, Roger, is the founder of and Chairman and CEO of Shaklee, a highly successful nutrition company. Donald Trump, Melania Trump, and Ghislaine Maxwell all attended the publication party for Sloan’s book in 2008 ( ; guests included Steve Mnuchin, Epstein and Maxwell chum Carol Mack, and a bunch of others also featured in Epstein’s ‘Black Book’ (Colin Cowie, Anton and Robin Katz, and Vittorio Assaf).
Lindemann, Adam & Elizabeth: Adam is a billionaire investor and art gallery owner. Brother of Sloan (mentioned just above). Elizabeth is his ex-wife. She is often photographed with many other people mentioned in Epstein’s ‘Black Book.’
Lindemann, George(Sr.) & Freida: Now-deceased billionaire father of Sloan and Adam. George was the CEO and Chairman of Southern Union, a pipeline company and served as Vice President of the Metropolitan Opera Association of NYC. His wife, Frayda, is the President and CEO of the Metropolitan Opera.
Lindsay, Alex & Jaclyn: Alex is a war documentary maker who rents out his loft at the address Epstein has listed (
Lindsey, Ludovic: Racecar driver.
Lindsley, Blake: Actress who was in two movies directed by Doug Liman (also in Epstein’s book) - “Swingers” and “Getting In.”
Linley, David: Princess Margaret’s son, Queen Elizabeth II’s nephew, and first cousin of Prince Charles and Prince Andrew. Linley is a furniture maker and the 2nd Earl of Snowdon. He used to be the Chairman of Christie’s auction house in the UK.
Liogos, Babis: No info found, but one of the numbers traces back to Thylan Associates, a real estate and investment firm.
Lister, Paul: Likely the director of legal services and company secretary for Associated British Foods, or it could be a conservationist. Not sure which.
Livanos, Arriette: I believe this Arietta Livanos, wife of Greek shipping magnate, Stavros Livanos. Arietta passed away in 1986.
Lo Cascio, Robert: Founder and CEO of LivePerson, a tech company that develops conversational commerce. LoCascio was photographed with Ghislaine at an after party in 2012 (
Loeb, Alex: Alexandra is the daughter of John Loeb, former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark under Reagan and former Delegate to the United Nations. John Loeb was also a special advisor to Nelson Rockefeller. Alexandra is also a descendant of the Lehman family (Lehman Brothers). Alexandra graduated from Spence Day School for Girls (mentioned earlier under Sloan and Roger Lindemann-Barnett).
Lonsdale, Richard: British investment banker.
Lorenzoti, Eva Vivre: Founder of luxury online retailer, and is a TV spokesperson/personality. Good friend of Ghislaine Maxwell. Maxwell and a couple of Rockefellers were guests at her house for a dinner party in 2010 (
Lorimer, John & Lottie: John works as a private investor and as a realtor. His wife, Lottie, is an interior designer.
Louthan Guy J: Prolific British film producer and former boyfriend of actress Liz Hurley (also in Epstein’s book).
Love, Courtney: Famous drug addict, musician, and actress who likely killed her husband, Kurt Cobain. Courtney famously claimed that Prince Andrew showed up to her house late one night in 2000 looking for sex. She has since retracted this claim. The entries under Love’s name all say ‘Dana’ next to them. This is Courtney’s ex-boyfriend, Dana Giacchetto. Giacchetto was considered to be the “stockbroker to the stars” and was friends with JFK Jr, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, and many others. He ripped his clients off of millions. Even more telling, Giacchetto was involved in a sex abuse case against X-Men director Bryan Singer ( He died in 2016 after he partied too hard and overdosed (
Lowell, Ivana: Guinness heiress who wrote about Harvey Weinstein’s sexual abuse while she worked at Miramax in her book back in 2010 ( She also dated Harvey’s younger brother, Bob.
Loyd Mark: No info found.
Lucas, Colin: The godfather of Boris Johnson, England’s current Prime Minister. Lucas is a British historian and university administrator. Served as Vice Chancellor of Oxford University from 1997-2004.
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Prediksi Bola Juventus vs Inter Milan 9 Maret 2020

Prediksi Bola Juventus vs Inter Milan 9 Maret 2020

Prediksi Bola Juventus vs Inter Milan 9 Maret 2020
BookiePalace - Prediksi Bola - Juventus bakal meladeni Inter Milan di Allianz Stadium dalam sambungan ajang Serie A 2019/20, Senin (9/3/2020). Derby d'Italia ini menjadi partai tunda pekan ke-26, dan bakal dihelat tanpa penonton.
Minggu ini, Serie A semestinya melakoni pekan ke-27. Tetapi, sejumlah penundaan yang terjadi akibat virus Corona di Italia sejak dua minggu lalu membuat beberapa partai mengalami perubahan jadwal. Itu termasuk leg kedua putaran perempat final Coppa Italia, Juventus vs AC Milan, dan Napoli vs Inter Milan, yang seharusnya dimainkan tengah pekan lalu.
Juventus terakhir kali memainkan laga mereka adalah pada 27 Februari 2019, menghadapi tuan rumah Lyon di putaran 16 besar Liga Champions leg pertama. Juve menyerah 0-1.
Sementara itu, partai terakhir Inter ialah 28 Februari 2019, yaitu meladeni Ludogorets Razgrad di putaran 32 besar Liga Europa leg kedua. Inter Milan menang 2-1 lewat gol-gol Cristiano Biraghi serta Romelu Lukaku, dan lolos dengan agregat 4-1.
Lazio sementara memimpin klasemen dengan 62 angka dari 26 laga. Bianconeri berada di posisi dua dengan 60 angka dari 25 laga, sementara Inter baru menjalankan 24 pertandingan dan mempunyai 54 poin di posisi tiga.
Pada pertemuan pertama di Serie A musim ini, Juventus menang 2-1 di markas Inter, dan pertandingan itu menjadi panggung adu ketajaman pemain-pemain Argentina. Juve unggul lewat gol Paulo Dybala menit 4, dan Inter menyamakan kedudukan via penalti Lautaro Martinez menit 18. Kemenangan Juventus ditentukan oleh gol Gonzalo Higuain menit 80.
Nerazzurri tak boleh kalah kalau tak ingin kian tertinggal dalam perburuan Scudetto Serie A.

Lima Pertemuan Terakhir Kedua Tim:
07/10/2019 Inter 1-2 Juventus
28/04/2019 Inter 1-1 Juventus
08/12/2018 Juventus 1-0 Inter
29/04/2018 Inter 2-3 Juventus
10/12/2017 Juventus 0-0 Inter

Lima Pertemuan Terakhir Juventus:
09/02/2020 Verona 2-1 Juventus
14/02/2020 Milan 1-1 Juventus
16/02/2020 Juventus 2-0 Brescia
23/02/2020 SPAL 1-2 Juventus
27/02/2020 Lyon 1-0 Juventus

Lima Pertemuan Terakhir Inter Milan:
10/02/2020 Inter 4-2 Milan
13/02/2020 Inter 0-1 Napoli
17/02/2020 Lazio 2-1 Inter
21/02/2020 Ludogorets 0-2 Inter
28/02/2020 Inter 2-1 Ludogorets

Prediksi Susunan Pemain Juventus vs Inter Milan:

Juventus [4-3-3]: Szczesny, Danilo, de Logt, Bonucci, Sandro, Bentancur, Pjanic, Matuidi, Cuadrado, Dybala, Ronaldo.
Inter Milan [3-5-2]: Handanovic, D'Ambrosio, de Vrij, Skriniar, Candreva, Vecino, Brozovic, Barella, Young, Lukaku, Lautaro Martinez.

Prediksi BookiePalace | Situs Judi Bola, Agen Sbobet:
HANDICAP: Juventus -1/4
OVEUNDER: Over 2 1/2
SKOR: Juventus 2-1 Inter Milan
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submitted by bookiepalace888 to u/bookiepalace888 [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Web developer focused on quality work, looking for projects to work remotely

What's up /Jobbit! My name is Christian and I am a full stack developer with many years of web development experience.
If you need a website built, I can help you through all steps: the backend, frontend, and infrastructure development, as well as with gathering and leading a development team, for larger projects.

Recent projects

Company Description Preview image URL
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Preview Link
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Preview Link
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Preview Link
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Preview N/A
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Preview Link
Texas School Guide Compare schools from Texas, built on a tight deadline. Preview Link
Boombox Giftbox site with high quality architectural work. Preview Link
Taytsh Yiddish Book Center’s site for translators, with file uploads for multiple users. Preview Link
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Preview N/A
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. Preview Link
WX-NY Real estate directory built from a detailed client specification on a tight deadline. Preview Link
...just in the last 3 years freelancing, without mentioning projects from over 12 years of employment in web software development!

What you get

  • Huge backend architecture experience
  • Build websites from the ground up, or solve complex problems on your current site
  • Versatility: experienced in JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, and many database and infrastructure backends
  • Quality software, thanks to a strong computer science background
  • Many years of working on improving user experience
  • Work with the most modern tools
There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to jobbit [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Programmer looking for REMOTE work, experienced in web development, PHP, javascript, ruby, angular, laravel, drupal, wordpress

What's up /jobbit! My name is Christian and I am a full stack developer with many years of web development experience.
If you need a website built, I can help you through all steps: the backend, frontend, and infrastructure development, as well as with gathering and leading a development team, for larger projects.

Recent projects

Company Description Preview image URL
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Preview Link
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Preview Link
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Preview Link
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Preview N/A
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Preview Link
Texas School Guide Compare schools from Texas, built on a tight deadline. Preview Link
Boombox Giftbox site with high quality architectural work. Preview Link
Taytsh Yiddish Book Center’s site for translators, with file uploads for multiple users. Preview Link
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Preview N/A
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. Preview Link
WX-NY Real estate directory built from a detailed client specification on a tight deadline. Preview Link
...just in the last 3 years freelancing, without mentioning projects from over 12 years of employment in web software development!

What you get

  • Huge backend architecture experience
  • Build websites from the ground up, or solve complex problems on your current site
  • Versatility: experienced in JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, and many database and infrastructure backends
  • Quality software, thanks to a strong computer science background
  • Many years of working on improving user experience
  • Work with the most modern tools
There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to jobbit [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Ninja 🐱‍👤 web developer/programmer, PHP & JavaScript expert

Hi, my name is Christian and I am a senior software developer (full stack) with 15+ years of experience. I live in Argentina.
If you need a website for your business, don't miss out on hiring someone that has experience in every step of the development process: architecture, backend, frontend and infrastructure.
Together we can build amazing web applications with solid database design, modern object oriented systems, scalable systems that can handle hundreds of thousands of users, and more.

Why hire me

There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Recent projects

Company Description Technology Screenshot Video encoding queue, document management, project management tools, deployment, server configuration Laravel/VueJS View
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Laravel View
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Drupal View
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Symfony/Angular View
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Drupal/jQuery View
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Laravel/Bootstrap View
GCBA trabajo Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Symfony/jQuery View
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. VueJS View
... and lots more!

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to forhire [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Programmer looking for REMOTE work, experienced in web development, PHP, javascript, ruby, angular, laravel, drupal, wordpress

What's up /ForHire! My name is Christian and I am a full stack developer with many years of web development experience.
If you need a website built, I can help you through all steps: the backend, frontend, and infrastructure development, as well as with gathering and leading a development team, for larger projects.

Recent projects

Company Description Preview image URL
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Preview Link
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Preview Link
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Preview Link
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Preview N/A
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Preview Link
Texas School Guide Compare schools from Texas, built on a tight deadline. Preview Link
Boombox Giftbox site with high quality architectural work. Preview Link
Taytsh Yiddish Book Center’s site for translators, with file uploads for multiple users. Preview Link
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Preview N/A
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. Preview Link
WX-NY Real estate directory built from a detailed client specification on a tight deadline. Preview Link
...just in the last 3 years freelancing, without mentioning projects from over 12 years of employment in web software development!

What you get

  • Huge backend architecture experience
  • Build websites from the ground up, or solve complex problems on your current site
  • Versatility: experienced in JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, and many database and infrastructure backends
  • Quality software, thanks to a strong computer science background
  • Many years of working on improving user experience
  • Work with the most modern tools
There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to forhire [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Web developer focused on quality work, looking for projects to work remotely

What's up /ForHire! My name is Christian and I am a full stack developer with many years of web development experience.
If you need a website built, I can help you through all steps: the backend, frontend, and infrastructure development, as well as with gathering and leading a development team, for larger projects.

Recent projects

Company Description Preview image URL
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Preview Link
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Preview Link
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Preview Link
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Preview N/A
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Preview Link
Texas School Guide Compare schools from Texas, built on a tight deadline. Preview Link
Boombox Giftbox site with high quality architectural work. Preview Link
Taytsh Yiddish Book Center’s site for translators, with file uploads for multiple users. Preview Link
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Preview N/A
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. Preview Link
WX-NY Real estate directory built from a detailed client specification on a tight deadline. Preview Link
...just in the last 3 years freelancing, without mentioning projects from over 12 years of employment in web software development!

What you get

  • Huge backend architecture experience
  • Build websites from the ground up, or solve complex problems on your current site
  • Versatility: experienced in JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, and many database and infrastructure backends
  • Quality software, thanks to a strong computer science background
  • Many years of working on improving user experience
  • Work with the most modern tools
There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to forhire [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Web developer focused on quality work, looking for projects to work remotely

What's up /freelance_forhire! My name is Christian and I am a full stack developer with many years of web development experience.
If you need a website built, I can help you through all steps: the backend, frontend, and infrastructure development, as well as with gathering and leading a development team, for larger projects.

Recent projects

Company Description Preview image URL
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Preview Link
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Preview Link
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Preview Link
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Preview N/A
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Preview Link
Texas School Guide Compare schools from Texas, built on a tight deadline. Preview Link
Boombox Giftbox site with high quality architectural work. Preview Link
Taytsh Yiddish Book Center’s site for translators, with file uploads for multiple users. Preview Link
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Preview N/A
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. Preview Link
WX-NY Real estate directory built from a detailed client specification on a tight deadline. Preview Link
...just in the last 3 years freelancing, without mentioning projects from over 12 years of employment in web software development!

What you get

  • Huge backend architecture experience
  • Build websites from the ground up, or solve complex problems on your current site
  • Versatility: experienced in JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, and many database and infrastructure backends
  • Quality software, thanks to a strong computer science background
  • Many years of working on improving user experience
  • Work with the most modern tools
There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Programmer looking for REMOTE work, experienced in web development, PHP, javascript, ruby, angular, laravel, drupal, wordpress

What's up /jobbit! My name is Christian and I am a full stack developer with many years of web development experience.
If you need a website built, I can help you through all steps: the backend, frontend, and infrastructure development, as well as with gathering and leading a development team, for larger projects.

Recent projects

Company Description Preview image URL
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Preview Link
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Preview Link
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Preview Link
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Preview N/A
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Preview Link
Texas School Guide Compare schools from Texas, built on a tight deadline. Preview Link
Boombox Giftbox site with high quality architectural work. Preview Link
Taytsh Yiddish Book Center’s site for translators, with file uploads for multiple users. Preview Link
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Preview N/A
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. Preview Link
WX-NY Real estate directory built from a detailed client specification on a tight deadline. Preview Link
...just in the last 3 years freelancing, without mentioning projects from over 12 years of employment in web software development!

What you get

  • Huge backend architecture experience
  • Build websites from the ground up, or solve complex problems on your current site
  • Versatility: experienced in JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, and many database and infrastructure backends
  • Quality software, thanks to a strong computer science background
  • Many years of working on improving user experience
  • Work with the most modern tools
There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to jobbit [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Highly experienced web/software developer

Hi, my name is Christian and I am a senior software developer (full stack) with 15+ years of experience. I live in Argentina.
If you need a website for your business, don't miss out on hiring someone that has experience in every step of the development process: architecture, backend, frontend and infrastructure.

Why hire me

There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Recent projects

Company Description Technology Screenshot Video encoding queue, document management, project management tools, deployment, server configuration Laravel/VueJS View
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Laravel View
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Drupal View
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Symfony/Angular View
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Drupal/jQuery View
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Laravel/Bootstrap View
GCBA trabajo Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Symfony/jQuery View
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. VueJS View
... and lots more!

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Programmer looking for REMOTE work, experienced in web development, PHP, javascript, ruby, angular, laravel, drupal, wordpress

What's up /ForHire! My name is Christian and I am a full stack developer with many years of web development experience.
If you need a website built, I can help you through all steps: the backend, frontend, and infrastructure development, as well as with gathering and leading a development team, for larger projects.

Recent projects

Company Description Preview image URL
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Preview Link
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Preview Link
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Preview Link
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Preview N/A
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Preview Link
Texas School Guide Compare schools from Texas, built on a tight deadline. Preview Link
Boombox Giftbox site with high quality architectural work. Preview Link
Taytsh Yiddish Book Center’s site for translators, with file uploads for multiple users. Preview Link
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Preview N/A
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. Preview Link
WX-NY Real estate directory built from a detailed client specification on a tight deadline. Preview Link
...just in the last 3 years freelancing, without mentioning projects from over 12 years of employment in web software development!

What you get

  • Huge backend architecture experience
  • Build websites from the ground up, or solve complex problems on your current site
  • Versatility: experienced in JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, and many database and infrastructure backends
  • Quality software, thanks to a strong computer science background
  • Many years of working on improving user experience
  • Work with the most modern tools
There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to forhire [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Programmer looking for REMOTE work, experienced in web development, PHP, javascript, ruby, angular, laravel, drupal, wordpress

What's up /freelance_forhire! My name is Christian and I am a full stack developer with many years of web development experience.
If you need a website built, I can help you through all steps: the backend, frontend, and infrastructure development, as well as with gathering and leading a development team, for larger projects.

Recent projects

Company Description Preview image URL
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Preview Link
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Preview Link
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Preview Link
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Preview N/A
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Preview Link
Texas School Guide Compare schools from Texas, built on a tight deadline. Preview Link
Boombox Giftbox site with high quality architectural work. Preview Link
Taytsh Yiddish Book Center’s site for translators, with file uploads for multiple users. Preview Link
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Preview N/A
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. Preview Link
WX-NY Real estate directory built from a detailed client specification on a tight deadline. Preview Link
...just in the last 3 years freelancing, without mentioning projects from over 12 years of employment in web software development!

What you get

  • Huge backend architecture experience
  • Build websites from the ground up, or solve complex problems on your current site
  • Versatility: experienced in JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, and many database and infrastructure backends
  • Quality software, thanks to a strong computer science background
  • Many years of working on improving user experience
  • Work with the most modern tools
There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Web developer focused on quality work, looking for projects to work remotely

What's up /ForHire! My name is Christian and I am a full stack developer with many years of web development experience.
If you need a website built, I can help you through all steps: the backend, frontend, and infrastructure development, as well as with gathering and leading a development team, for larger projects.

Recent projects

Company Description Preview image URL
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Preview Link
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Preview Link
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Preview Link
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Preview N/A
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Preview Link
Texas School Guide Compare schools from Texas, built on a tight deadline. Preview Link
Boombox Giftbox site with high quality architectural work. Preview Link
Taytsh Yiddish Book Center’s site for translators, with file uploads for multiple users. Preview Link
Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Preview N/A
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. Preview Link
WX-NY Real estate directory built from a detailed client specification on a tight deadline. Preview Link
...just in the last 3 years freelancing, without mentioning projects from over 12 years of employment in web software development!

What you get

  • Huge backend architecture experience
  • Build websites from the ground up, or solve complex problems on your current site
  • Versatility: experienced in JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, and many database and infrastructure backends
  • Quality software, thanks to a strong computer science background
  • Many years of working on improving user experience
  • Work with the most modern tools
There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

[For Hire] An EXPERT 🐱‍👤 at PHP/Javascript

Hi, my name is Christian and I am a senior software developer (full stack) with 15+ years of experience. I live in Argentina.
If you need a website for your business, don't miss out on hiring someone that has experience in every step of the development process: architecture, backend, frontend and infrastructure.
Together we can build amazing web applications with solid database design, modern object oriented systems, scalable systems that can handle hundreds of thousands of users, and more.

Why hire me

There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Recent projects

Company Description Technology Screenshot Video encoding queue, document management, project management tools, deployment, server configuration Laravel/VueJS View
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Laravel View
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Drupal View
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Symfony/Angular View
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Drupal/jQuery View
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Laravel/Bootstrap View
GCBA trabajo Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Symfony/jQuery View
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. VueJS View
... and lots more!

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to Jobs4Bitcoins [link] [comments]

[For Hire] PHP & JavaScript expert web developer 💻

Hi, my name is Christian and I am a senior software developer (full stack) with 15+ years of experience. I live in Argentina.
If you need a website for your business, don't miss out on hiring someone that has experience in every step of the development process: architecture, backend, frontend and infrastructure.
Together we can build amazing web applications with solid database design, modern object oriented systems, scalable systems that can handle hundreds of thousands of users, and more.

Why hire me

There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Recent projects

Company Description Technology Screenshot Video encoding queue, document management, project management tools, deployment, server configuration Laravel/VueJS View
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Laravel View
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Drupal View
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Symfony/Angular View
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Drupal/jQuery View
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Laravel/Bootstrap View
GCBA trabajo Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Symfony/jQuery View
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. VueJS View
... and lots more!

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to jobbit [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Ninja 🐱‍👤 web developer, build your site with modern technology!

Hi, my name is Christian and I am a senior software developer (full stack) with 15+ years of experience. I live in Argentina.
If you need a website for your business, don't miss out on hiring someone that has experience in every step of the development process: architecture, backend, frontend and infrastructure.
Together we can build amazing web applications with solid database design, modern object oriented systems, scalable systems that can handle hundreds of thousands of users, and more.

Why hire me

There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Recent projects

Company Description Technology Screenshot Video encoding queue, document management, project management tools, deployment, server configuration Laravel/VueJS View
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Laravel View
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Drupal View
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Symfony/Angular View
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Drupal/jQuery View
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Laravel/Bootstrap View
GCBA trabajo Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Symfony/jQuery View
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. VueJS View
... and lots more!

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
submitted by innerspirit to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

[For Hire] Experienced 🐱‍👤 web/software developer

Hi, my name is Christian and I am a senior software developer (full stack) with 15+ years of experience. I live in Argentina.
If you need a website for your business, don't miss out on hiring someone that has experience in every step of the development process: architecture, backend, frontend and infrastructure.
Together we can build amazing web applications with solid database design, modern object oriented systems, scalable systems that can handle hundreds of thousands of users, and more.

Why hire me

There is a lot of value in finding someone with experience and people skills. Don't waste time training someone, when you can hire someone that has already worked on teams of many sizes and shapes.

Recent projects

Company Description Technology Screenshot Video encoding queue, document management, project management tools, deployment, server configuration Laravel/VueJS View
Tower Casinos Online casino architecture rebuilt and modernized to improve security and performance. Laravel View
Todo Noticias Largest news channel in Argentina. Team of 5 developers, many scalability challenges due to very large amount of visitors. Drupal View
Winkal Image-sharing (like 9gag), clever architecture to support a large mobile user base. Symfony/Angular View
Emmys For Your Consideration Private video upload site which required building a video upload queue. Drupal/jQuery View
DealEscrow A small price negotiation website, ongoing work. Laravel/Bootstrap View
GCBA trabajo Official Buenos Aires job posting site, built with long term support in mind. Symfony/jQuery View
La Nacion Morgage loan calculator, using modern web tools for a great user experience. VueJS View
... and lots more!

Contact me

Schedule a meeting with me on Calendly
Contact form:
Or just send me a message here!
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